Mohammad Syfkhan er en Kurdisk/Syrisk sanger og Bouzouki-spiller bosat i Irland. Mohammads musikstil tager elementer fra mellemøstlig og nordafrikansk musik, og skaber en atmosfære af glæde, kærlighed og lykke. Siden hans ankomst til Irland har han brugt musikkens sprog til at blive integreret i lokalsamfundet, ved at spille koncerter og private events.

Han har spillet musik siden 80’erne, hvor han i Ragga, Syrien begyndte at arbejde som professionel sanger og startede sit eget Band, The Al-Rabie Band. Bandet har spille utallige gange til koncerter, fester, bryllupper og festivals i Syrien. Hans debutalbum ‘I Am Kurdish’ udkom ved Nyahh Records i Februar.


“Syfkhan takes his domestic influences and fuses them with music from beyond those regions, from North African folk rhythms to Turkish psychedelia. It’s a glorious alembic not bound by borders, where Mohammad himself brings a cultivated exuberance to his playing that belies his vintage.”
– The Quietus

“His bouzouki playing, all coiling melodies, gliding shreds and emotional drive, is obviously a crucial component. So it fits that the first sounds to speak out from the grooves are the poised trills from Syfkhan’s buzuq, tempting you into the swirling uplift”
– Backseat Mafia

”No one would be left sitting to this.”
– Klof Mag

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